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Comfort Zone

Hello Everyone,

I decided to revisit an old blog I wrote the year I got my MBA. It talked about not settling and the changes that can make in your life. As several of you know, I began this amazing journey as an author. However, what you might not know is that my first book was a dream about a dress and my inability to draw. That lead me into learning about editing, publishing, marketing and everything else that goes along with writing.

After stumbling like many new authors out there, making mistakes, and learning some valuable lessons. I learned the very reason why you do not always have to "Do what you know" and "Not Settling!” During this period, I found something else that struck a creative core within me, web design, digital designing and the amazing numbers involved in analytics.

Funny enough in 2013 at the age of 41, I started college to get a B.Sc. IT, and then followed up with an MBA. In the 7 years it took, I had eye surgery, a hysterectomy, some other challenges, the loss of my mom and the reminder that life does go on. Yes, I took courses in marketing, web design, analytics, and a bunch of other areas of study. Yup, I learned a lot from my mistakes, granted my skills are often driven by our clients. Mistakes are what we learn from. Tried writing in a different genre or from a different POV and it didn’t work? Been there done that … learned that I had to remain true to the creative voice in my head. However, I did learn that I enjoyed writing while having Cindy critic it and then by myself. I also learned that if it does not catch my attention, it probably won’t anyone else either. Imagine that… a marketing tip! If you don’t like it, then your readers probably won’t either.

My tip for the month … Take that chance

If I had not stepped out of my comfort zone, I would never have found the career that has changed my life. It’s okay to get frustrated and everyone has moments they feel like they are going in circles. However, do not just settle for what you can do but find out what you can’t do but want to do and then grab it. I made another one of those ‘Oh wow, wish I had done this sooner…’ we have a new Domain Name! still works but I so love having to type less letters LOL and the geek aspect to the domain.

Article Inspiration

Coffee Time Romance

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