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Real Marketing for Organic Growth: Seasonal Marketing

Hello everyone!


I had originally planned on a post about email platforms and the unknown pitfalls. Which I had planned on posting a couple of times… However, it appears that the blog is MIA, so I can take the hint… No grumbling over missing emails and the server issues that may be hidden in your storage usage. If you have recently emailed us and not gotten a reply it’s very likely it is out taking a tour in cyberspace, so please do email us again. (Server platform has been changed!)


So, what are we going to chat about today?
Yup you guessed it Seasonal Marketing.


October is here, fall has come at last and if you are not already planning your November and December posts it’s time. There are a lot of events going on over the next 3 months and you should be checking into them, monitoring what pertains to you and how your post over the next 10 weeks are going to line out. Why 10 weeks? Well that’s how many are left before Christmas and it is bound to be another busy season. We have discussed planning your holiday marketing in the past, so for this week’s blog I am going to recap a few of those, found a few more than I realized so here are some highlights.


Real Marketing for Organic Growth: Life Happens

During our “Real Marketing For Organic Growth” blog series, we have discussed different topics from hashtags to being on different platforms. However, for all of our good intentions, for all of our planning and preparing, Life Happens. Some of life’s changes can be for the better, some though are hard and the world as you know it has changed. Working through this phase in life can prove to be a bigger challenge than what you expected and you find yourself falling short. When this happens, you can either let it beat you down or get back up and try again.



Real Marketing for Organic Growth: Diversify

The very definition of Diversify – “make or become more diverse or varied.” Is a clear indication of not only how we should be as a people but also how we should be in our marketing. As I’m sure many of you have seen the changes to Twitter’s Character count and probably heard about the Business Feed testing Facebook is doing, you may be wondering how it affects you.

If you are selling, promoting, working online, and use social media then you are affected by these changes.


Real Marketing for Organic Growth: Thanksgiving – To Advertise or Not

So, how do you deal with all the advertisements and still entice others to pay attention to yours?

Well you could jump on the band wagon and do your own Thanksgiving Day, Black Friday or Cyber Monday event. You could then piggyback of sorts off all the others that are doing it. You could go a little more traditional and just wish everyone a Happy Holiday Weekend remembering that it is a season of giving and not necessarily receiving. You could also chose to not do anything special at all.

Automation is the key to family time, so find a program and schedule those holiday post now!


Why Social Site Marketing Alone Is NOT Enough

I bet many readers looking at that title went ‘huh?’, I know, because I would have had the same reaction at one point in time. I would have said but social site marketing is a key component to marketing and I would have been sadly mistaken. Marketing alone is just not enough.

Why Social Site Marketing Is NOT Enough - Personalized Marketing Inc



It’s That Time … Holiday Marketing

Each year we realize once again that the holidays have snuck up on us. That the time we once thought we had for extra things like ‘marketing’ is suddenly gone. We look at the calendar and only then do we realize that next week only has a couple of days we can focus on work. The rest of our time will be bouncing between home, family, preparations, and all the other obligations that come with this time of year.


Those are just a few of the blogs we have discussed on Holiday Marketing over the past 3 years. As you plan for Halloween (only 20 days away) think about your #October #Diversity message. Support your local #BreastCancerAwareness organization, taking time to enjoy the falling leaves, they won't last long. Most of all give yourself the time you need to not just work on your marketing plans but also life.


Have a great weekend!


#RealMarketing #OrganicGrowth #Life #PMInc