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Taking Care Of You: Recognize Your Stress In these times you hear almost everyone talking about stress in their daily lives. Then you throw in a writer’s life. Yup, you really need to take care of yourself. The first thing you need to do is recognize your stress. What are your stressors and how do you react? Now what are you going to do about it? I have a fairly good idea about my stressors these days. So, the first part of taking care of me is prevention. Try to keep a healthy body to fight the stress and its…
Taking Care Of You: Know When It’s Time To Let Go As an award winning filmmaker, I wear many hats – director, writer, actor, producer, and fight choreographer. I am now working on building my production company to greater heights and open my own in-house film studio by late 2020. Being a filmmaker and the CEO of Jillian Bullock Enterprises, LLC, I often have to make tough decisions, which is necessary to grow, to change, to improve, to get better, and to succeed. When you make these tough decisions for your own life, it sometimes includes letting go of people…
Personalized Marketing Inc 11th Anniversary Guest Blogger: Coffee Time Romance Staffer – Delane You know them, you love them as much as we do! Welcome the Coffee Time Romance Staffers! So we asked them some questions on how they take care of themselves. Visit with the Coffee Time Staffers August 19th, 20th, 21st, 22nd, and 24th. Are you glued to technology and if so, what do you do to disconnect? I for one, with my disability, live technology and love it. However, I do not get on social media or websites; I spend my time primarily reading, doing bible studies,…
Taking Care Of You: Sleep. My sincere thanks to Dee Carver for inviting me to share on her website. Dee is special to me. She’s not just someone I know online — she’s also a great friend. I trust her with the keys to my kingdom. She is my website designer and guru. Today happens to be her birthday. Dee, I hope your day is lovely all day long! When Dee asked me to talk about self-care for authors, my mind immediately went to one particular topic. It’s the one thing that has changed my life to give me not…
Personalized Marketing Inc 11th Anniversary Guest Blogger: Coffee Time Romance Staffer – Ruth You know them, you love them as much as we do! Welcome the Coffee Time Romance Staffers! So we asked them some questions on how they take care of themselves. Visit with the Coffee Time Staffers August 19th, 20th, 21st, 22nd, and 24th. Are you glued to technology and if so, what do you do to disconnect? I’m an author. I do all my writing on the computer… I disconnect when I’ve reached my word count for the day. To reach my daily word count at a…
Personalized Marketing Inc 11th Anniversary Guest Blogger: Coffee Time Romance Staffer – Renee You know them, you love them as much as we do! Welcome the Coffee Time Romance Staffers! So we asked them some questions on how they take care of themselves. Visit with the Coffee Time Staffers August 19th, 20th, 21st, 22nd, and 24th. Are you glued to technology and if so, what do you do to disconnect? I’m glued to my computer at home but am only on my phone when I’m out of the house and stuck in a line somewhere. I would say I read…
Personalized Marketing Inc 11th Anniversary Guest Blogger: Coffee Time Romance Staffer – Franny You know them, you love them as much as we do! Welcome the Coffee Time Romance Staffers! So we asked them some questions on how they take care of themselves. Visit with the Coffee Time Staffers August 19th, 20th, 21st, 22nd, and 24th. Are you glued to technology and if so, what do you do to disconnect? Yes, and I seldom disconnect and do much else. Sometimes I’ll garden or spend my time organizing my messy house, but mostly I am connected and glued to…
Personalized Marketing Inc 11th Anniversary Guest Blogger: Coffee Time Romance Staffer – Llaph You know them, you love them as much as we do! Welcome the Coffee Time Romance Staffers! So we asked them some questions on how they take care of themselves. Visit with the Coffee Time Staffers August 19th, 20th, 21st, 22nd, and 24th. Are you glued to technology and if so, what do you do to disconnect? For the most part I am glued to technology—I depend on my iPhone for a lot of things. When I want to get away from tech, I usually do…
Personalized Marketing Inc 11th Anniversary Guest Blogger: Coffee Time Romance Staffer – Tory You know them, you love them as much as we do! Welcome the Coffee Time Romance Staffers! So we asked them some questions on how they take care of themselves. Visit with the Coffee Time Staffers August 19th, 20th, 21st, 22nd, and 24th. 1. Are you glued to technology and if so, what do you do to disconnect? Believe it or not I do housework to disconnect 2. What do you do to unwind? Take a nap or have a glass of wine before bed 3. Anything…
Work-life balance remains an illusion for many, even those who are self-employed. And for authors. The pressure to add to the bank account, land that next client, write the next book pounds at us day and night. That’s one reason authors panic when they hit the dreaded writer’s block. Some push through the block, forcing words to flow onto the page and knowing that those words just suck. So, on top of creative stoppage the writer also suffers from acute disappointment in herself. Or himself. Let’s add to that the normal and often overwhelming demands of family. Some of us…
Taking Care Of You: ME Time. Being a single mom during the week and working with various authors, my day can be hectic. Not to mention my week. My husband works out of town and only home on the weekends. I try to leave those days for family time. We have 5 children ranging from 8 to 23. The two oldest are out on their own which helps but we also have two grandchildren with two on the way. During the week, after getting the kids off to school, I come back and get the house straightened up and laundry…